Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Business markets and business buying behaviour

     Heeey, it's me again... Today I will tell about Business markets and business buying behaviour. Let start:)

     Although Sony product is a general consumer product it may be sold in business markets. Is it so for Sony product. Yes. Sony phone product is a general consumer product it may be sold in business markets. It is a reseller market. On reseller markets retailers or wholesalers buy finished goods and resell them to make a profit. (Dib, Pride, Simkin, & Ferrell, 2012, p. 182) In each country we can see a lot of markets with Sony phone, they try to sell these phones, so Sony corporation sell their product to other small or big companies, and after these companies can sell these phones and make a profit.

     Sony phones have been adapted to the business market. Sony phones is imported or purchased from the other companies. Also Sony can be found in any media markets. Sony has a retailers for a long time, then the product has been adapted in the business market.

Most business purchases are one of three types: new task purchase, modified rebuy purchase or straight rebuy purchase. Sony phone isn’t new task purchase, because Sony phone isn’t a product which can solve some new problems or perform a new job and can’t be straight rebuy purchase, because phone isn’t a routine product and Sony doesn’t rebuy phones under approximately the same terms of sale. (Dib, Pride, Simkin, & Ferrell, 2012, p. 188)Most likely applicate to my product is a modified rebuy purchase. Modified re-buy purchase. According to our book in modified rebuy purchase a new task purchase is changed the second or third time it is ordered, or the requirements associated with a straight re-buy purchase are modified. For example, an organization might seek faster delivery, lower prices or a different quality of product specifications. Sony company change some characteristics in their phones, they improve phones every time, so they change quality of their product.

     As we know buying center is the group of people within an organization who are involved in making business- to- business purchase decisions. (Dib, Pride, Simkin, & Ferrell, 2012, p. 190) And buying process for my product isn’t really short. Firstly, Sony phones will start with small chip, which is purchased by Sony from other making chip company. Then the cover of the phone can be from Sony manufacturer from the other countries. And then it is Sony sale and marketing department who is in charge of dealing with retailers. Then retailers, who will sell that product customers.

Derived demand works only when the product has a demand. Demand for business products arises from the demand for consumer products. (Dib, Pride, Simkin, & Ferrell, 2012, p. 189) Derived demand depends on consumer wishes. Derived demand will increase if product will conform consumer wishes. Now people try to find phones with good characteristics. Sony phones have good characteristics, such as high quality sound, good camera, interesting design, all these characteristics have an impact on the demand. People try to find the best phone and Sony corporation can offer these services. Every upcoming Sony product is improved in all characteristics. Derived demand is connected with consumers wishes. So now consumers want good phones and it is the reason why derived demand raised. Demand of Sony phones increased and derived demand increased too.

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