Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Marketing strategy

Hey, hey, hey, guys. It's me again.

This post theme will be about marketing strategy and understanding competitors

Well, let's start with the mission statement of the company.

Did you hear that the mission statement of the Sony company – don’t stop in creativity and innovative design for producing high-quality and innovative product. There are a lot of mission statements on the internet, these are very similar to each other, the mission statement of Sony company is to inspire people with new openings, and to show their achievements. (Sony, 2016)

Nice logo for the company, right!?

But Sony how other companies has their competitors, and in my opinion only two products can compete with Sony phones.

The main competing product is Apple IPhone on the IOS operating system and Samsung Mobile which is based on the Android operating system, now Android is the most popular operating system today. In my opinion, the main competing products are Samsung phones, because they have phones based on the same system, these phones can perform the same needs and the same characteristics, but Sony has better sound quality, camera and design. Sony and Samsung phones are branded products; these two brands are very popular around the world. But Sony is a more expensive phone than Samsung, which is backed up by Drs. Simon van Renssen saying “Sony as a mobile phone company, depleted in popularity due to high competition from other companies which Sony couldn't handle, and so it moved on to other growing markets”, so basically, they don’t just concentrate on phones, choice of Sony phones isn’t so big which is the reason why the demand of these phones is of large scale, but insufficient enough to beat Samsung. You need to, as a company, produce just enough to sell to the demanding market.(Sony, 2016) (Samsung, 1995)

There are some competitive advantage.

Sony phones have a great competitive advantage. But despite of that, Sony isn’t the “market leader”, and this is the reason why: Sony is a more expensive brand than most other brands, but on top of that Sony phones are always placed in the market as third or even fourth as a first choice for a mobile phone. If Sony will produce more than today, they can sell their phones cheaper, Sony phones are high quality phones, people will buy more Sony phones if the price is cheaper. In my opinion they can beat Samsung phones in sales with cheaper prices than now.. (GSMarena, 200
(Statista, 2016)

Sony phones have their advantage, but which differential advantage do we know!?

The differential advantage the company has over its’ competitors is their creativity. Sony phones have a very beautiful and interesting design, Sony phones have good quality sound, they increase in the phones markets due to innovation and highly technological products. Sony represent themselves as “imagination and innovation”. (Sonycorporation.blogspot, 2014)

Sony phones have their growth strategy, strategy from Ansoff Matrix. Do you know what does it mean!?

4 strategies from Ansoff Matrix.

The growth strategy for Sony phones products is Product Development. Sony is improving their products constantly, every day, for example – phones. Now, the quality of Sony cell phones is higher than several years ago, they improved the quality of sound, multi-tasking, camera quality, and endless other abilities which are made possible by Sony, making a simple cell phone a fully interactive computer, with abilities which could not be even imagined 8-10 years ago. Sony is improving their phones by developing better versions to replace their current Sony phones.

“Extend your product by producing different variants, or repackage existing products.” (The Ansoff Matrix, 2016) So the products development strategy is more suitable for my product. Sony try to improve their product and every time a new model is released, it is different than the previous version, improved and retouched by professionals, they try to always push it's picture taking ability, e.g the quality of camera, sound and always strive to make a creative design; trying to produce different variants of Sony phones, giving the customer a variety in price, quality and appeal. All these improvements are achieved using the product development strategy.
See you next week:pp Thank you fot attention;)

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