Monday, November 14, 2016

Marketing Research

    Heeeey, again!!! Wasn't here for a long time. But lets start marketing again. Today I will talk about   a   marketing research. And the first question is about Nielsen retail panel.
     Nielsen Retail panel consists of 6 business needs:

  • Category management (how to select right items to put into stores with the right price positioning and promotion activity)
  • Marketing effectiveness (how to optimize the marketing spending and deliver the right message to the right people)
  • Supply efficiency (what are the roots causes of out of stocks and how to optimize on shelf availability)
  • Store optimization (where to open a new store)
  • Loyalty programs (how to use in cell data coming from loyalty cards programs, how to integrate this information what is happening outside outlets)
  • Shopper intelligence. (how to identify and build a custom view of most profitable consumers) 
In my opinion, Sony manufacturer can buy data providing information about marketing effectiveness and also category management. 
The data about marketing effectiveness is very useful for Sony manufacturer. Firstly, they will find out their target customers who will buy Sony phones. With this information, they can choose target group for their product and come up with suitable strategy.
About category management, If Sony manufacturer buy this data, it will be easier to determine right price, places where people will buy Sony phones with the price that will be good for the company and also for consumers. And also this data will be useful for promotion of the company. For example, in which cities promotion will be more successful.

Well, lets take the other company. GfK. And here I will talk about consumer panels and what kind of data GfK can generate for the Sony company.

GfK company is the source of relevant market and consumer information, that allows clients to make better decisions. GfK uses innovative technologies and data sciences and they turn this data into smart, convenient data. By using this data, their clients can improve their competitive advantage and also improve consumers experience and choices. (GfK, 2016)
GfK company consumer panel provides all information about consumers, their attitude, behavior, who the consumers are. So GfK can generate the data about where consumers will go to buy Sony phones. Also the consumer panel provides consumers research and comparing products. So by using this data Sony phones can know how consumers compare their product with the other phones from competitors, and by that can improve their phones. GfK identify market opportunities, Sony company can use this information to develop their strategies for growth. All data generating by GfK and its consumer panel can be very useful for Sony phones. This is consumer behavior, their choice, decisions etc.
For all companies, it is important to understand their consumers and GfK provides and can generate this information.

Now, what can really help to understand consumer attitudes towards Sony brand. There are questionnaire list, what I think can help a lot.
1.What age group are you in?
Under 20 ____
20–29 ____
30–39 ____
40–49 ____
50–59 ____
60 and over ____
2.Is this your first Sony phone?
    Yes ___
3.For how long have you been using this phone?
4.Are you satisfied with Sony phones work (quickness, Wi-Fi connection…)?
5.What would you like to improve?
6.Sony phones have a lot of different designs. Which one do you like best?
7.What do you like about Sony phones?
8.What functions do you think is necessary/unnecessary?
9.What functions do you think is helpful/useless?
10.What is better/worse in Sony phones compare to the other phone companies? (If you used phones from the other company)
11.Which series of Sony phone was the best?
12.Are you satisfied with the price of Sony phone?

That's all for today. See u:)

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