Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Targeting and positioning

Hey again. Today I will talk about targeting and positioning. Let's start.

No brand positioning should ever be done without doing some research first. The reason is simple: it is likely that where and how you think your brand should be positioned is quite different from what consumers want, expect, and will accept. I created a short questionnaire with which I can measure the consumer perceptions of my product.

1.    How satisfied are you with Sony phone?
Very dissatisfied
Very satisfied

2.    Overall quality of Sony phone?

3.    Sony phones fulfilled your needs?

4.    Would you recommend Sony phone to your friends/family?



Already did it

5.    Compare to the other phone companies, what do you like more in Sony phones?
Operating system

6.    Do you intend to use Sony phone for a long time?

7.    Sony phone complies to promised quality?

8.    What is the important part of Sony phone for you?
Operating system

9.    Are you satisfied with Sony phone price?

10.  Compare to previous products, Sony Corporation changed their phones, some basic characteristics. Do you like these changes? And if you like, what actually do you like?

11.  Do you have any complaints about Sony phone?
Yes (what you don’t like)

After I created this short questionnaire I executed three face to face interviews with three my friends. One of them used Sony phone, but now uses IPhone, second one uses old model of Sony phone and the third one uses new Sony model. All three friends said that they are very satisfied with Sony phone, because Sony phone fulfills their needs. Also when I asked about overall quality of Sony phone, they gave a grade 6-8, because last Sony models are very strong, with good characteristics. Comparing to other phone companies, Sony phone is long-term using phone. Besides, cameras and sound are much better, and design is very interesting and differs from the other phone companies.
What about intending to use this phone for a long time. Those, who has Sony now, said that they would use it for a long time and the next phone would be Sony. One of friends said that if there wouldn’t be iPhone he would use Sony company phone, because Sony is good quality phone which complies to promised quality.
The next question was answered almost equally. The important qualities for them are cameras. It allows to take good quality pictures. Sound, display, ability to use phone for a long time and also design. About the price there were two opinions. The first was that price could be a bit lower. The second opinion was that Sony phones prices fluctuate according to the phone model what allows to buy Sony phone from different classes.
Also for question 10, there were two main opinions. First was that there are some new characteristics what are disliked, but second opinion was that Sony changes characteristics to the good side; camera, sound, design, processor become better. Eventually there aren’t a lot of complaints. I received only one complaints from person who has old Sony model. And complaint was “The only complaint - Sony should allow users of older phone models to download upgrades of Android system, otherwise the phone becomes "slow"”. But in spite of some disadvantages, all of them would recommend Sony phone for their friends and family.
And according to these answers positioning map for my products looks like that:

That's all for today:)) See you next week

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Segmenting market

Hey again! Today I want to talk about segmenting market for my product. I hope that I understood theory correct :pp  and this information will be helpful not only for me, but for you too.

First I will describe  the market segment my product aims for, targeting strategy. And which market segmentation criteria are used . And also the positioning strategy used for my product.

Ø There are four types of market. Demographic, behavioristic, psychographic, geographic segmentations. Sony aims on psychographic and demographic variables.The psychographic segmentation is one which uses people lifestyle, activities, interests, personal attributes and motives. Also psychographic variable can tell about consumer buying behavior. The right decision is made according to intuition and marketer experience.

Ø Demographic segmentation. Segmentation what are made according to age, gender, race, religion, social class, family life cycle etc. This segmentation mostly used by companies for marketing research, because reaction on the product depends on demographic factors. Mostly companies segment consumers by age, wages, their work, family life cycle and size of the family.

Ø If we are talking about Sony Corporation that their targeting strategy is target a different product and marketing programme at each of a number of segments. It is because Sony Corporation sells products which includes memory devices, video games systems, cameras, computers, televisions DVD payers and phones. But if we are talking about my product Sony phone there targeting strategy more will be offering one product and marketing programme to a number of segments. But Sony phones are divided into different kinds of phones and tagret on different type of costumers.

Ø Market segmentation criteria used for Sony phones product is multivariable segmentation. This segmentation using more than one characteristic to divide a total market. For example, costumers want one brand of company, but with the different characteristics. Some customers want phone with good camera, some with large memory, some with beautiful design etc.

Ø Three most critical elements for successful positioning are:
1.The specialty should be different/unique.
2.It should be credible.
3.It should be relevant/important. 

The positioning strategy how the company will act on the market to cultivate the desired brand position among a given target segment in a given market. The strategy for Sony phone is developing their product as much as possible. Sony phones sales decrease last years, and profit dropped, so now Sony is trying to do their best to bring back their high position on the market. And they try to do it with improving all characteristics of their product.

The next question is about segmenting marketing, the basic conditions for effective segmentation and evaluation whether these conditions are met for the segments I described before.For effective segmentation are applied measurable, substantial, accessible, stable and useful basis conditions.

Ø  First of all, its measurable basis condition. This basis can be met at psychographic and demographic segments. For example, demographic variables, these can be measured: different age groups, gender, also social classes, family sizes. All of these variables can be measured in other groups. Also, psychographic segment, there people can be divided into groups with different motives, lifestyles. For instance, group of people who like sport, or who like to sit at home. There are different variable of groups and these can be measured.

Ø  These segments are large enough to be sufficiently profitable to justify developing and maintaining a specific marketing mix. Sony phones are pretty large company and they can make profit from their sales. The segments concern more high class of population, and also segment of high income, people should be in is these groups, so actually, and most of all they are, so Sony gains good income.

Ø  These segments aren’t accessible, because Sony phone aren’t available for all customers. Sony phones are expensive and not all people can allow to buy their phones.

Ø  Segmentation is stable. For example, Sony company has their own design of phones, also characteristics differ from the other companies. There are a lot of Sony fans, what uses Sony products for a long time. But Sony lost their position on the market. And also a lot of Sony customers want to switch their phones for the Apple company phone. IPhone took Sony phones place on the market.

Ø  This segmentation is useful. This segmentation increases the sales of the company. If company wouldn’t use the segmentation strategy they would spend their money for nothing, because if you don’t have any strategies, if you don’t know your target market you wouldn’t know where and how to sell your product.

That's all for today;pp

Monday, November 14, 2016

Marketing Research

    Heeeey, again!!! Wasn't here for a long time. But lets start marketing again. Today I will talk about   a   marketing research. And the first question is about Nielsen retail panel.
     Nielsen Retail panel consists of 6 business needs:

  • Category management (how to select right items to put into stores with the right price positioning and promotion activity)
  • Marketing effectiveness (how to optimize the marketing spending and deliver the right message to the right people)
  • Supply efficiency (what are the roots causes of out of stocks and how to optimize on shelf availability)
  • Store optimization (where to open a new store)
  • Loyalty programs (how to use in cell data coming from loyalty cards programs, how to integrate this information what is happening outside outlets)
  • Shopper intelligence. (how to identify and build a custom view of most profitable consumers) 
In my opinion, Sony manufacturer can buy data providing information about marketing effectiveness and also category management. 
The data about marketing effectiveness is very useful for Sony manufacturer. Firstly, they will find out their target customers who will buy Sony phones. With this information, they can choose target group for their product and come up with suitable strategy.
About category management, If Sony manufacturer buy this data, it will be easier to determine right price, places where people will buy Sony phones with the price that will be good for the company and also for consumers. And also this data will be useful for promotion of the company. For example, in which cities promotion will be more successful.

Well, lets take the other company. GfK. And here I will talk about consumer panels and what kind of data GfK can generate for the Sony company.

GfK company is the source of relevant market and consumer information, that allows clients to make better decisions. GfK uses innovative technologies and data sciences and they turn this data into smart, convenient data. By using this data, their clients can improve their competitive advantage and also improve consumers experience and choices. (GfK, 2016)
GfK company consumer panel provides all information about consumers, their attitude, behavior, who the consumers are. So GfK can generate the data about where consumers will go to buy Sony phones. Also the consumer panel provides consumers research and comparing products. So by using this data Sony phones can know how consumers compare their product with the other phones from competitors, and by that can improve their phones. GfK identify market opportunities, Sony company can use this information to develop their strategies for growth. All data generating by GfK and its consumer panel can be very useful for Sony phones. This is consumer behavior, their choice, decisions etc.
For all companies, it is important to understand their consumers and GfK provides and can generate this information.

Now, what can really help to understand consumer attitudes towards Sony brand. There are questionnaire list, what I think can help a lot.
1.What age group are you in?
Under 20 ____
20–29 ____
30–39 ____
40–49 ____
50–59 ____
60 and over ____
2.Is this your first Sony phone?
    Yes ___
3.For how long have you been using this phone?
4.Are you satisfied with Sony phones work (quickness, Wi-Fi connection…)?
5.What would you like to improve?
6.Sony phones have a lot of different designs. Which one do you like best?
7.What do you like about Sony phones?
8.What functions do you think is necessary/unnecessary?
9.What functions do you think is helpful/useless?
10.What is better/worse in Sony phones compare to the other phone companies? (If you used phones from the other company)
11.Which series of Sony phone was the best?
12.Are you satisfied with the price of Sony phone?

That's all for today. See u:)