Heeeey , again me. today I will try to talk about Marketing planning and forecasting sales potential.
Actually we can use break down and build up approach. but I have chosen to talk about the market potential of Sony product using
the break down approach. As we know market potential is the total quantity of
product what will be sold to costumers within specified period of time at a specific level of industry-wide marketing activity.
(Dibb, Simkin, M.Pride, & Ferrell, 2012, p. 684) . Market shares from
2011 to 2016 decrease from 8.8 to 6.2. So market potential in 2017 in
Netherlands will decrease too. (Euromonitor, 2016) . So as we can see
people in Netherlands use Sony less than for instance Apple phone. Apple market
share increase from 10.5 to 15.1 at the same years. It is the reason why Sony
market potential decreased and will decrease in a future, Apple phones will
take the market.
And also sales potential “The
maximum percentage of market potential that an individual company can obtain
for a specific product or service” (Dibb, Simkin, M.Pride, &
Ferrell, 2012, p. 685) . According to market potential, which
dropped and maybe will decrease in 2017, I can suppose that sales potential
will decrease too. Market potential and sales potential are connected with each
other, so if market potential drops, sales potential drops too.
Now about marketing plan.In
my opinion, marketing plan is very important for every country. Marketing plan
give chance to improve company inside. I can see only advantages in marketing
plan. When company do marketing plan they can keep basis for Sony organization.
The basis like serving the ‘best’ target costumers, beating the competitors,
minimizing threats and also recognizing strengths and weaknesses of company. (Dibb, Simkin, M.Pride, & Ferrell, 2012,
pp. 673-674)
Company can know about these basis only after making marketing plan, because it
is benefits of it.
What else? Also one of benefit is
controlling current operations and the immediate-term opportunities and target
markets. (Dibb, Simkin, M.Pride, &
Ferrell, 2012, p. 673) .
And the third valid argument is that having
a good marketing plan means having more profits. It helps company to make their
target customers to be aware of their products Therefore,
the more customers they have, the more profit they would get for their business.
I think marketing plan can give a lot of benefits.
After this plan company can improve their weaknesses and also their strengths
too. Company will know more about their competitors. So Sony can become the
most popular company after they do research. Marketing plan is like part of
research, so if they will find out all information, and will do marketing plan
good they can get a lot.
Now I want to talk about sales forecast for Sony product....
developing sales forecast for Sony phones product for the years 2017 and 2018 I
would use salesforce forecasting survey. The reason why I would use this sales
forecast is that the most important one is that sales staff are closer to
costumers. They know what actually costumers need, they can know future product
needs and the intensity of other competitors, they can easily say which phone
company is the largest competitor to Sony phone. The second advantage is that
forecasts can be prepared for single territories, for divisions consisting of
several territories, for regions made up of multiple divisions and then for the
total geographic market.
But also there are disadvantages of these method.
The sales stuff can underestimate potential sales. For them this is much work,
they have “paperwork”, they spend a lot of time to write. Because of that they
can do their work adequately, because at this time when they do “paperwork”
they can sale products. (Dibb, Simkin, M.Pride, &
Ferrell, 2012, p. 687) And one more disadvantage in this
method is that work of marketer who develop Sony phones after, depends on these
sales staff, so if sales staff will make mistake, marketer after them will make
a mistake too.
In my opinion, this method is more suitable for my
product. Sales stuff can find out more about Sony phones consumers, what they
like or what they dislike in this product. And after marketers can improve
things what consumers don’t like. And so the next product will be much better.