Saturday, October 15, 2016

Marketing planning and forecasting sales potential

Heeeey , again me. today I will try to talk about Marketing planning and forecasting sales potential.

Actually we can use break down and build up approach. but I have chosen to talk about the market potential of Sony product using the break down approach. As we know market potential is the total quantity of product what will be sold to costumers within specified period of time at a specific level of industry-wide marketing activity. (Dibb, Simkin, M.Pride, & Ferrell, 2012, p. 684). Market shares from 2011 to 2016 decrease from 8.8 to 6.2. So market potential in 2017 in Netherlands will decrease too. (Euromonitor, 2016). So as we can see people in Netherlands use Sony less than for instance Apple phone. Apple market share increase from 10.5 to 15.1 at the same years. It is the reason why Sony market potential decreased and will decrease in a future, Apple phones will take the market.
And also sales potential “The maximum percentage of market potential that an individual company can obtain for a specific product or service” (Dibb, Simkin, M.Pride, & Ferrell, 2012, p. 685). According to market potential, which dropped and maybe will decrease in 2017, I can suppose that sales potential will decrease too. Market potential and sales potential are connected with each other, so if market potential drops, sales potential drops too.

Now about marketing plan.In my opinion, marketing plan is very important for every country. Marketing plan give chance to improve company inside. I can see only advantages in marketing plan. When company do marketing plan they can keep basis for Sony organization. The basis like serving the ‘best’ target costumers, beating the competitors, minimizing threats and also recognizing strengths and weaknesses of company. (Dibb, Simkin, M.Pride, & Ferrell, 2012, pp. 673-674) Company can know about these basis only after making marketing plan, because it is benefits of it.
What else? Also one of benefit is controlling current operations and the immediate-term opportunities and target markets. (Dibb, Simkin, M.Pride, & Ferrell, 2012, p. 673).
And the third valid argument is that having a good marketing plan means having more profits. It helps company to make their target customers to be aware of their products Therefore, the more customers they have, the more profit they would get for their business.
I think marketing plan can give a lot of benefits. After this plan company can improve their weaknesses and also their strengths too. Company will know more about their competitors. So Sony can become the most popular company after they do research. Marketing plan is like part of research, so if they will find out all information, and will do marketing plan good they can get a lot.

Now I want to talk about sales forecast for Sony product....

For developing sales forecast for Sony phones product for the years 2017 and 2018 I would use salesforce forecasting survey. The reason why I would use this sales forecast is that the most important one is that sales staff are closer to costumers. They know what actually costumers need, they can know future product needs and the intensity of other competitors, they can easily say which phone company is the largest competitor to Sony phone. The second advantage is that forecasts can be prepared for single territories, for divisions consisting of several territories, for regions made up of multiple divisions and then for the total geographic market.
But also there are disadvantages of these method. The sales stuff can underestimate potential sales. For them this is much work, they have “paperwork”, they spend a lot of time to write. Because of that they can do their work adequately, because at this time when they do “paperwork” they can sale products. (Dibb, Simkin, M.Pride, & Ferrell, 2012, p. 687) And one more disadvantage in this method is that work of marketer who develop Sony phones after, depends on these sales staff, so if sales staff will make mistake, marketer after them will make a mistake too.
In my opinion, this method is more suitable for my product. Sales stuff can find out more about Sony phones consumers, what they like or what they dislike in this product. And after marketers can improve things what consumers don’t like. And so the next product will be much better.

Buy guys. Sorry for my bad English :DD I am trying to improve it...

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Marketing in international markets and globalization

Hello... Today we will talk about Marketing in international markets and globalization. Lets start...
How do you think Sony is an international brand or no? I will tell you.
Sony phones is an international brand. The level of international involvement is very high, it means that product greater commitment to international market, the product can be sourced away from the home market.  Sony is available in more than 20 countries, and we can see it on these market shares tables.

For example, market share in China, in 2013 was very high, but market share decrease from 2013 to 2016. It one from example, from market share.
What about marketing entry strategy!? The marketing entry strategy used for Sony phones is “Joint Ventures” strategy. Sony phones is the best example of joint venture strategy, whe two companies agree to work together in a particular market, and they create the third company to undertake this. And risks and profits are shared between these two companies. Sony Corporation works according to this princips. 

I can see the evidence of impact of the recent international turmoil. Due to the impact of restriction on Russia the amount of buying phones decrease. It slows economy down and that affects on the purchasing power of customers and then they can’t buy Sony phones so much how they did it before. Costumers choose cheaper phone than Sony. This impact on Sony Corporation is very high, Russia is very big country and Sony can lose a lot of their money. So it is the biggest impact of the recent international turmoil on Sony Corporation product - phones.
Also Sony phones have an impact from the international legal forces. 
The legal forces what have an impact on the marketing position of Sony phones product are tariffs and quotas. “Tariffs are taxes that affects the movement of goods across economic or political boundaries, and that can also affect imports, export or goods in transit”, so if government will increase taxes it might be more difficult to export phones to the other countries, it will cost more money. And the quotas are “Physical restrictions on amount of goods that can be imported into a particular country or region” , quotas not always the best interest of consumers, and if choice are limited in some region or country it is the best way how to export Sony phones in this region. So there will be more products to choose and costumers will choose Sony phones more, because it will be a new product for citizens, what is better for Sony Corporation.

That's all for today.. See you next week:)

Monday, October 10, 2016

Environmental analysis

Hey, guys.. It's me again.. Didn't be here for a long time. But let's start story about Sony. And this week theme is environmental analysis of Sony product.
      When we go to the head website of Sony we will see the latest available annual report is "Annual report 2013".Sony used backcasting to set specific medium-term targets based on four key environmental perspectives, namely, climate change, resource conservation, management of chemical substances and biodiversity.” (Sony, 2016) As we can see in this report the major impact are climate, resource conservation, management of chemical substances and biodiversity, and these are environmental factors which have a major impact on my Sony phones marketing policies. Sony always react on environment factors, it is very important for their company. And they try to change their product according to these factors.

     We can visit site- and there are 2 publications which are connected with first environmental factors.
The first publication “Consumer confidence, economic climate and willingness to buy”.
This publication is important for Sony phones, because economic climate, as we can see in Sony business report, plays important role in their marketing and there is the big chance to sold Sony phones more.
And the second publication “GDP, production and expenditures; value, Quarterly National Accounts”. As we know GDP grows in Netherlands and it very good for Sony. GDP growth has an impact of markets and if there will be high GDP Sony phones will be more interesting to market the Sony phones.

     Are there any social, cultural or religious differences in the Netherlands that would affect the consumption of your product?
In Netherlands not religious and cultural differences which would affect the consumption of Sony phone product. But here are some social differences what would affect the consumption. People have different views on the product, they can use different model of phones and can say that, for example “Samsung” or “IPhone” is better than Sony. This pressure from other people can affect the consumption of Sony phone. People under this pressure can choose not Sony, but other company phone and consumption of Sony phones will decrease.

See you later... On this Wednesday. Bye :*